Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You can Make a Difference for Stray Dogs

Realengo is working to bring hope to stray dogs struggling to survive in some of the worst situations in the world. We’re making a difference for these dogs and turning tales of hardship into stories of success. With your support, we can provide even more hope...

...For newborn puppies born into a world where they are already unwanted:
The puppy to the right was born under an old abandoned car in a dump in Canovanas, along with his brothers and sisters. Their mother was so malnourished and thin that the outline of her ribs was visible under her matted fur, yet she did all she could to keep her puppies safe and warm. When local people were unable to care for the puppies they considered drowning them so they would not have to starve to death. Until REALENGO stepped in and offered them hope...

...For hurt and suffering dogs who would otherwise have no one:

The black dog below was abandoned and left to fend for herself on the streets of Puerto Rico. Alone, hungry, and sick, she was suffering from mange, a painful disease that leads to severe hair loss and skin irritation. Without treatment she faced a prolonged and agonizing death on the streets by herself. Until REALENGO stepped in and offered her hope…

We were able to bring hope to all of the animals above - these dogs were rescued, treated, cared for, and adopted into new and loving homes thanks to your support of WSPA’s work for animals around the world. Your gift can bring hope to even more animals and create more happy endings, by:

Implementing Humane Population Control Programs: With hundreds of millions of stray dogs in need around the world, it’s crucial that we take steps to prevent further breeding. Last year our clinics across the globe spayed and neutered over 23,000 dogs, and we persuaded 10 countries to commit to ending cruel methods of stray control. With your support we’ll continue and expand our humane control programs to have a lasting impact for strays.

Providing Veterinary Care to Animals in Need: Stray dogs suffer from a host of painful yet preventable diseases including mange, parvovirus and parasitic infections.  We’re bringing these dogs desperately needed veterinary care through our projects in 16 countries. Your gift will help sustain these projects and ensure that even more dogs receive the care they need.

Vaccinating Dogs Against Rabies:  Globally, rabies kills hundreds of thousands of dogs, as well as tens of thousands of people, every year.  Out of fear some communities resort to cruel methods of controlling rabies including mass shooting and poisoning.  WSPA is working to show authorities that vaccinating dogs is the most effective and humane way to prevent rabies. 

Please send your gift of hope to help these stray dogs and other animals today.  Thank you again for your compassion, your dedication, and for all that you do for animals everywhere.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

By ADRIENNE GALLER LASTRA from the Pinones Beach Project

Well guys - I'm so sorry it's taken so long to update. More than a month has passed and I've been running around like a whirling dervish. My professor, John Saccenti, President of Career Development Institute has come and gone and our Animal Control Officer/Cruelty Investigator course is taking a life of it's own. The course will be given January 25th through 29th with a large animal welfare summit to follow on the 30th. Below is the flyer for the course.

Today i had a meeting with Maximiliano Brandt, the Member Society Development Manager of World Society for the Protection of Animals who has always been our contact on the island. Other large foundations have come and gone (Pegasus for one) but WSPA has been constantly present in Puerto Rico, trying help the animal welfare movement here. They have been communicative and helpful. WSPA funded my ACO certification course and my flight to New Jersey.

Max was excited that the course is coming to fruition and he will be present with Dr. Monica List who is WSPA’s veterinarian. He and Dr. List will be attending the summit and he knows Dr. Carazo, Head Veterinarian of the state and Wilma Rivera, Director of Animal Control, and he has also met Dr. Gonzalez and has been to the Carolina Animal Control Center so he’s thrilled with all the teachers who will be giving the course.

WSPA will be a major presence in this inaugural ACO/CI certification course and they have invited me to attend the‘ First Dominican Conference for Animal Welfare’ at the Veterinary College of Universidad del Este, in Santo Domingo to attend their workshops AND meet and greet all the WSPA people who he says can help make our Latin American portion of our ACO/CI certification course happen.

Well that’s the recap – I need to make plans to go to the center for OCAM (municipalities) next week and get all the mayor and town info so we can send off letters to the mayors. Lois Reed, our web designer is already working on putting the registration form and information about the course on the Amigos de los Animales web site and I’m waiting for the WSPA logo to add to our marketing materials.

I will give you updated pictures of the 34 kids I have at home and will be showing you pictures of big Homer, who will be coming home tomorrow!! Yay!!! It's been a long time since I've been able to ship doggies because apparently the economy has been as affected in the states as it is here and people are giving up their 'best friends' to shelters. It's very bad here and in pinones where I live, I see 3-5 new dogs every weekend. i just found 3 puppies on Friday night that were dropped off at the beach.

Folks - Sorry it's been so long since I've written. Please forgive me. It takes a lot of time for me to write and make sence, and when I go to bed at night (with my 6 dogs that sleep with me in bed)I just black out with exhaustion.

Please don't forget to donate to the animals at my mini shelter here at home and always adopt the adoptable! You can either donate to my doggies upkeep through this blog's donate button or you may send your check or money order to: Amigos de los Animales, PO Box 79169, Carolina, PR 00984

Thank you so much for reading. You are appreciated!


Xx Adri

Monday, September 14, 2009

THS animals 'neglected'

Humane Society understaffed, money squandered, protest group says


The Toronto Humane Society is abusing animals and misspending money donated for their care, protesters said outside the facility yesterday.

"They leave animals neglected and dying in cages," said Melanie Laking.

"The THS doesn't have enough frontline staff to meet the minimum standard of care for the animals and hundreds of thousands of dollars of donated money is being squandered on things like court costs. People donate to put food in the mouths of hungry animals and not ... to pay lawyers' fees."

The group also says animals are forced to sit in their own excrement and go without access to water.

"The THS is also interfering with vets doing their jobs," said Laking, pointing to a memo from THS president Tim Trow.

The memo reads: "Ensure that practitioners communicate with their shelter management prior to taking any significant course of action, including obtaining concurrence as regards euthanasia, operations and anaesthesia."

Laking says some vets have resigned because they felt they were violating their professional oaths by working there.

Danielle Just-McCarthy adopted her one-eyed dog, Kippie, from the Humane Society.

"The THS rescued him and we rescued him from them. The cages were full of urine and feces, and I was not impressed. Kippie wouldn't be here today if he stayed there much longer," Just-McCarthy said.

The group's allegations are outlandish, said THS spokesman Ian McConachie.

"The pets are not mistreated and we deny any neglect. The THS is also a hospital and there are a lot of animals receiving treatment. Sometimes a patient doesn't look so good, but we hope for a full recovery for all of them," McConachie said.

"Most of these people are former THS employees who were let go and have a grudge. They are using the animals as a political tool."

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Diferencia entre criadores de patio y buenos criadores

Su mirada está llena de amor, reciben a sus amos con una fiesta. Su colita no deja de moverse cuando ven a su “familia humana”. Son inteligentes, fieles, juguetones…estas son algunas de las características que le han ganado el título de “el mejor amigo del hombre” al perro.

Y como mejor amigo nuestro, debemos tratarle con cariño y respeto. Cuidar de su condición física y cuando notemos un cambio en su comportamiento, debemos llevarlo al veterinario rápidamente.

Los perros son una gran compañía. Pero también una gran responsabilidad.
Te invitamos a que, antes de tomar la decisión de adoptar uno, te hagas ciertas preguntas cómo: ¿Podré dedicarle el tiempo que merece?, ¿No será una carga económica?

Si tú no sientes incomodidad alguna ante estas preguntas, felicidades.
Tú estas preparado para gozar de compañía canina.

Cuidar de nuestros animales es responsabilidad de todosEl promover la salud, el bienestar y aliviar el sufrimiento de los animales es responsabilidad de todos. Esto es lo que definimos como el asumir nuestra responsabilidad social comunitaria. Si bien es verdad que cada individuo debe tomar medidas personales para proteger a nuestros animales, de mayor impacto sería si nos uniéramos como una comunidad, para así lograr resultados mejores, más rápidos y permanentes. Velar por los intereses de los animales recae sobre todos nosotros. En esta sección te explicamos como puede ayudar el individuo, la comunidad y qué leyes protegen a todos los animales.

La crueldad hacia los animales es un aviso temprano de que algo anda mal en la personalidad de un individuo. Las ciencias del comportamiento han encontrado que las actitudes o acciones abusivas hacia los animales son en realidad un síntoma temprano de un desajuste emocional y psicológico en el desarrollo de la personalidad. Si esta situación no se atiende a tiempo, una vasta experiencia nos demuestra que las probabilidades son que este individuo se convertirá en un criminal violento.

En el historial clínico de criminales violentos el abuso de animales es un síntoma común. Hoy día en los Estados Unidos y otros países, la policía, el FBI, los servicios de familia y otras agencias dedicadas al bienestar de la sociedad investigan los casos de abuso de animales como indicativos de la presencia de crímenes violentos, abuso de niños, de la mujer y de ancianos.

Si en tu comunidad hay personas que abusan de los animales, inmediatamente toma las precauciones preventivas que están a tu alcance como:

Recomendar al sospechoso que busque ayuda psicológica Advertir a los familiares, maestros y a la Policía Proteger a los tuyos No permitas que tus hijos jueguen o se relacionen con un individuo que maltrate los animales No permitas que estén donde esta persona esté presente Al tomar estas medidas preventivas, podría salvarle la vida a un ser querido.

Recuerda: El abuso de animales no es una conducta inofensiva, es un aviso serio de que el abusador es un potencial criminal peligroso. Protégete y protege a los tuyos, informa a la Policía cualquier caso de maltrato de animales.

En Puerto Rico y el mundo completo hay muchos perros realengos en parte por el descontrol que tienen los criadores. Muchos de estos perros terminan atropeyados por carros o en los refugios. Hay dos tipos de criadores. Los criadores de patio y los buenos criadores. He aquí las maneras de identificar los buenos criadores.

Criadores de patio o Buenos criadores

No investigan el hogar donde va a estar el cachorro y no hacen ningún tipo de contrato para asegurar el bienestar de la mascota. Lo importante para ellos es hacer la venta.
Hacen un estudio del lugar donde va a estar la mascota. Entrevista a la familia para asegurarse que la mascota va a estar bien. Muchos de ellos cogen el cachorro de vuelta si la familia no lo quiere luego.

El dinero es lo importante independientemente del comprador.La familia es lo más importante independientemente de su estatus económico.

Tiene camadas accidentalmente sin tener control de quienes son los padres.Estudian bien los padres para asegurarse que es una buena combinación genética. De esta manera evitan condiciones y problemas genéticos.

No les importa el futuro de los perros.Hacen contratos para asegurarse de que el perro sea esterilizado.

Casan a los perros independientemente del carácter. En ocasiones los problemas de agresividad son heredados. Estudian bien el carácter de sus perros antes de casarlos.

Muchos criadores de patio anuncian sus crías como si fueran objetos en los clasificados del periódico y sitios de clasificados en la Internet. También venden los cachorros en la calle. Tienen listas de espera para sus crías ya que no casan a menudo.

Venden los cachorros a solo semanas de haber nacido. Esto puede crear muchos problemas de comportamiento y enfermedades en el perro. Mantienen a los cachorros con su mamá por lo menos hasta las 10 semanas de nacido para asegurarse que la madre los críe bien.

No ofrecen certificados médicos. Te venden las vacunas que ellos mismos pusieron. Las únicas vacunas válidas son aquellas puestas por un veterinario certificado. Hay muchas marcas de vacunas y no todas protegen bien a la mascota. Te ofrecen el historial médico del cachorro y de la madre. Ellos imunizan a los cachorros y la madre contra: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo, Canine Parainfluenza, etc.

Crían muchas razas de perros Se concentran en una raza de perro y aveces tienen dos como mucho.

Kentuky Fried Cruelty

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Welcome to Realengo, S.A.(plc)

I’m an animal rescuer, cruelty investigator and volunteer of Amigos de los Animales and The Pinones Beach Project. Many of my rescue dogs come from the steets of Puerto Rico, where I live. Member of Amigos de los Animales. Several efforts continue and the animals survive on donations. Your help is needed to continue all this project. Hope this blog presents a clear picture of what’s involved in helping sick and neglected animals on a daily basis. It's purpose is to help change the way our Puerto Rican animals are treated, to reach out, educate and raise funds for the rescue, rehabilitation and adoption of these abandoned animals that are so deserving of our love and respect. I hope to show you their faces and tell their stories so that you, the reader, will have the opportunity to help along side of those of us dedicated to their well being. Remember that Realengo Sociedad Anonima maintains the anonymous in the web stream and also at a daily basis in order to avoid conflicts from non-humans beings that can have a explosive reaction towards the rescuer or investigator. That is because you need to make a complaint at the police department in order to prosecute an animal cruelty law violator.

If anybody are interest in doing this and give me a hand please contact me on this forum. I will try be the end of the year take out from the streets as many dogs i can, no matter that they will be adopted or humanly put them to sleep, something that brake my hart when i can,t find any options, but to bring them to the closest shelter in Carolina, where they do their best in a humanly manner.

A dog found by Adri Lstra from Pinones Beach Project
Dog found dead by Adri Lastra founder of Pinones Beach Project.

Many dogs in Puerto Rico suffer the negligence of the people and the Goverment.


Adopting a dog from Puerto Rico is not as complicated as it may sound. All it requires (after being rescued, cleaned up and properly medicated) is a health certificate from a local vet on the island to be shipped to the U.S.

Sponsoring a dog means making a donation that would go specifically to an animal of your choosing who is currently homeless, needing to be rescued or already rescued, rehabilitated, given all appropriate shots and treatments, altered and loved in a foster home until he or she is ready to be shipped off to the U.S. to his or her new forever home or an animal shelter for adoption. The process requires at least $300 per dog, truly a small price to pay considering the end result.

This dog was found in a bag, problably this animal died at home from a negligent owner.

I will create another option for those people to want support me and my project REALENGO,S.A. via PayPal lately by this month. The support will be used to buy dog food and medicines to help straded dogs of the streets. So stay tune here. Thanks,PB.

LEY 67 –Ley para Protección de Animales, Código Penal de Puerto Ricode Mayo 1973LEY 304 –2000 Enmendar Artículo 9

a. “animal” significa cualquier animal equino, vacuno, oveja, cabra, cerdos, perros, gatos o cualquier otro animal doméstico o pájaro, o cualquier animal en cautividad bajo el control de cualquier persona;b. “secretario” significa Secretario de Justicia;c. “dueño”, en relación a un animal, incluye cualquier persona que tenga posesión, en cargo, custodia o control de ese animal;d. “oficial de la Policía” incluye un miembro de cualquier Fuerza establecida bajo cualquier ley para llevar a cabo las funciones, deberes o poderes policíacos;e.“veterinario” significa una persona debidamente autorizada para practicar la medicina veterinaria.
Artículo 2 – Cualquier persona que:

a. Sobrecargue, sobretrabaje, golpee, patee, maltrate, torture o maltrate cruelmente a un animal; ob. Encierre, amarre, encadene a cualquier animal innecesariamente o bajo tales condiciones o bajo tal manera o posición le cause a ese animal sufrimiento innecesario o, cualquier lugar que no esté debidamente ventilado, alumbrado, protegido o que no tenga suficiente espacio o protección del calor o el frío o de las inclemencias del tiempo; oc. Innecesariamente no provea alimento o agua a ese animal o le provea muy poco; od. Exponga cualquier veneno o cualquier líquido envenenado o materia comestible o agente infeccioso o sin tomar las precauciones razonables para que éstas causen un perjuicio; oe. Siendo el dueño de cualquier animal, deliberadamente o negligentemente mantiene tal animal en una condición (sucia o parasítica) o permita que sea infectado de parásitos externos o no provea tratamiento médico o veterinario si el animal lo necesita; of. Usa cualquier equipo en un animal o cualquier vehículo que le cause o le pueda causar daños o hacer sufrir innecesariamente a tal animal; og. Utilice para guiar o conducir o halar o montar un animal que esté enfermo o estropeado o en tal condición física que no esté apto para hacer este trabajo; oh. Ponga cualquier trampa o cualquier artefacto con el propósito de capturar o destruir cualquier animal, el cual no sea necesario atrapar o destruir para la protección de propiedad o para la prevención de enfermedades; oi. Habiendo puesto tales trampas o artefactos no las inspeccione personalmente todos los días y las limpie de animales, oj. Excepto bajo la autorización de un permiso expedido por el Departamento de Obras Públicas, venda cualquier trampa o artefacto que se utilice para la captura de un animal o (no sea un rodante) a una persona que no sea agricultor bona fide; ok. Transporte o lleve tal animal

1. bajo tales condiciones o de tal manera o posición que le cause al animal un sufrimiento innecesario;2. en condiciones que no provea adecuada ventilación, luz o refugio en las cuales tal animal esté expuesto excesivamente al calor, frío, inclemencias del tiempo, sol, lluvia o polvo; o sin tomar las debidas precauciones tal animal tenga suficiente comida, agua o descanso; o
l. sin causa razonable administre a cualquier animal cualquier veneno o sustancia venenosa o que le cause daño; om. siendo el dueño de tal animal deliberadamente o sin causa razonable o excusa lo abandone, sea permanentemente o no, en circunstancias que le puedan causar un sufrimiento innecesario al animal; on. causa, provea o asistan en la comisión u omisión de cualquiera de los actos antes mencionados, o siendo dueño de tal animal, permita la comisión u omisión de cualquiera de los actos antes mencionados; oo. voluntariamente o sin razón negligentemente, haga u omita hacer cualquier acto, que cause cualquier sufrimiento innecesario a cualquier animal; op. que sacrifique o permita que sacrifiquen cualquier animal sin estar previamente inconsciente; oq. que induzca ferocidad en un perro mediante el uso de animales vivos; or. que arranque o mutile partes de cualquier animal viviente; os. que lleve a cabo cualquier operación dolorosa en un animal en una manera no profesional; ot. restrinja la libertad de movimiento de un animal o tenga animales en una manera no profesional; ou. utilice un animal para entrenamiento de películas, exhibiciones o propósitos similares cuando esto cause daño o dolor en la salud del animal; ov. que capture pájaros con redes o mediante sustancias venenosas; ow.que capture o mate pájaros cantores o cualquier otro pájaro que sea útil o decorativo.

1. Cualquier violación a lo dispuesto por esta ley constituirá un delito menos grave y convicto que fuera condenado a pagar una multa que no exceda de $500.00 dólares o una pena de cárcel por un período no mayor de seis meses o ambas penas a discreción del Tribunal.2. Para los propósitos de esta ley el dueño de cualquier animal será considerado como que ha permitido o procurado la comisión u omisión de cualquier acto en relación con ese animal si por el ejercicio de un cuidado razonable y supervisión respecto a ese animal pudo haber prevenido la comisión u omisión de tal acto.

Artículo 3 – Cuando una persona es convicta de una ofensa en los términos de esta ley relacionado a cualquier animal; el Tribunal en adición a declararlo culpable e imponerle cualquier pena podrá:

a. ordenar que el animal sea sacrificado si en la opinión del Tribunal es cruel mantener dicho animal vivo;b. ordenar que la persona convicta sea desprovista de la posesión de tal animal;c. dictar cualquier orden relacionada con tal animal que crea necesaria expedir para cumplir con cualquiera de los anteriores párrafos.
Articulo 4

1. En cualquier momento en que un oficial policíaco sea de la opinión que cualquier animal está enfermo o golpeado severamente o en una condición física tal que deba ser sacrificado, deberá, si el dueño está ausente o rehusa dar su consentimiento para sacrificar el animal, inmediatamente llamar a un veterinario el cual procederá a examinar dicho animal, certificar que el animal, de permanecer con vida, estará sufriendo continuamente y luego de certificar dicha condición procederá a sacrificarlo;2. Cualquier gasto en el cual se incurra por cualquier oficial policíaco o veterinario para llevar a cabo lo que se proceda en esta sección lo podrá recobrar del dueño del animal mediante los tribunales y a través de una acción civil;3. Será una defensa para cualquier acción que se traiga contra cualquier persona por el sacrificio de un animal, probar que el animal estaba herido severamente o enfermo o en tales condiciones físicas que hubiera sido cruel mantener dicho animal con vida.

Artículo 5 – Las siguientes disposiciones seran aplicables a los experimentos con animales vivos.
1. Los experimentos estaran restringidos a casos en que sean considerados absolutamente esenciales para propósitos de investigación científica.2. Experimentos con propósitos educacionales serán permitidos solamente cuando otros medios de educación, como retratos, ilustraciones, películas, modelos, etc., no ilustren adecuadamente el proceso experimental.3. Dichos experimentos seran llevados a cabo en instituciones de investigación debidamente aprobadas y bajo la dirección y supervisión de personas con entrenamiento científico y se permitirá que cualquier veterinario autorizado esté presente para supervisar dichos experimentos.4. Antes de cualquier experimento el animal deberá estar completamente anestesiado, ya sea anestesia general o local.5. a. Si el experimento conlleva daño grave corporal o permanente al animal, entonces deberá ser sacrificado humanamente tan pronto como el propósito de la investigación lo permita.b. Si el animal no muere, ni queda en condiciones expresadas anteriormente, que tenga que ser sacrificado como resultado del experimento deberá ser tratado humanamente hasta que sea devuelto al sitio donde provino o al refugio de animales.

Artículo 6 – Un record deberá ser llenado de cada experimento.
a. Cualquier encargado de un depósito de animales estará autorizado para recobrar del dueño de cualquier animal depositado, cualquier gasto razonable en el cual haya incurrido para proveer atención veterinaria para tal animal.
Artículo 7 – Cualquier Tribunal enjuiciado o cualquier persona, por una alegada infracción a esta ley podrá expedir una citación al dueño del animal para que éste presente el animal en determinado sitio y lugar especificado en la citación para inspección por el Tribunal.

1. Cualquier persona que sin excusa razonable no cumpla con la citación expedida en los términos de la subsección (1) será culpable de un delito menos grave y sujeta a las penalidades establecidas en esta ley.

Artículo 8 – El Secretario de Salud y/o el Secretario de Agricultura podrá establecer reglamentos relacionados con:

a. el método y forma de enajenar y acomodar animales, ya sea para transportación o en forma estacionaria;b. cualquier otro requisito razonable que sea necesario para prevenir la crueldad o para impedir el sufrimiento de cualquier animal;c. el depositar, obtener la custodia o confinar cualquier animal debido a las condiciones de dicho animal y el recobrar cualquier gasto en que se incurra del dueño de cada animal y de cualquier materia que sea necesaria para poner en vigor y llevar a cabo los objetivos y propósitos de esta ley.

Artículo 9

1. Toda persona que infringiera lo dispuesto por esta Ley incurrirá en delito menos grave y convicta que fuere será sancionada con pena de multa que no excederá de cinco mil (5,000) dólares. Además, en el caso de que el infractor sea una persona jurídica, el Tribunal también podrá imponer cualquiera de las siguientes penas: (1) la pena de suspensión que consistirá en la paralización de toda actividad de la entidad, salvo las estrictas de conservación, durante el tiempo que se determine prudente, que no podrá ser mayor de seis (6) meses; (2) la pena de cancelación del certificado de incorporación o disolución a cualquier persona jurídica que incurra en un patrón de conducta constitutivo de crueldad contra los animales que posee, y (3) la pena de suspensión o revocación de la licencia, permiso o autorización de cualquier persona jurídica que viole los requisitos o procedimientos establecidos en virtud de esta Ley.

Artículo 10 – Esta ley comenzará a regir inmediatamente después de su aprobación.
Article 1 - In this Act, unless the text indicates otherwise: a. "Animal" means any equine animal, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs, cats or other domestic animal or bird or any animal in captivity under the control of any person; b. "Secretary" means the Secretary of Justice; c. "Owner" in relation to an animal, includes any person having possession, in charge, custody or control of that animal; d. "Police officer" includes a member of any force established under any law to carry out the functions, duties or police powers; e. "veterinarian" means a person duly authorized to practice veterinary medicine.
Article 2 - Any person who: a. Overload, sobretrabaje, hit, kick, ill-treatment, torture or cruelly mistreats an animal, or b. Enclosure, mooring, chained to any animal unnecessarily, or under such conditions or under such a manner or position to cause that animal unnecessary suffering, or anywhere that is not adequately ventilated, lighting, shielded or not having enough space or protection from heat or cold or inclement weather, or c. Unnecessarily provide no food or water to the animal or provide little or d. Expose any poison or poisoned fluid or edible matter or infectious agent, or without taking reasonable precautions to ensure that they cause injury or e. Being the owner of any animal, deliberately or negligently maintained such an animal (dirty or parasitic) or permitted to be infected with external parasites or not provide veterinary medical treatment or if the animal needs, or f. Use any computer in an animal or any vehicle which causes or may cause damage or cause such animal to suffer unnecessarily, or g. Use to pull or steer or drive or ride an animal is sick or damaged or in such physical condition that is not fit to make this work, or h. Set any trap or device for the purpose of capturing or destroying any animal, which is not necessary to catch or destroy property protection or prevention of disease or i. Having such traps or devices not personally inspect every day and clean the animals, or j. Except under the authority of a permit issued by the Department of Public Works, venda any trap or device that is used to capture an animal (not a treadmill) to a person other than a bona fide farmer, or k. Transportation or take such animal
1. under such conditions or in such manner or position that causes the animal unnecessary suffering; 2. under conditions that do not provide adequate ventilation, light or shelter in which such animal is excessively exposed to heat, cold, inclement weather, sun, rain or dust, or without taking appropriate precautions such animal has enough food, water or rest; or l. without reasonable cause any animal to administer any poison or poisonous substance that causes or damage, or m. being the owner of such animal, deliberately or without reasonable cause or excuse abandon it, whether permanently or not, in circumstances that may cause unnecessary suffering to an animal, or n. cause, provide or assist in the commission or omission of any of the above acts, or being the owner of such animal, allowing the commission or omission of any of the above acts, or o. deliberately or negligently without reason, do or refrain from doing any act which causes any unnecessary suffering to any animal or p. to sacrifice or permit any animal slaughtered without being previously unaware, or q. inducing ferocity in a dog through the use of live animals, or r. boot or mutilate parts of any animal living or s. carrying out any operation painful in an animal in an unprofessional or t. restricting freedom of movement has an animal or animals in a professional manner, or u. an animal used for training films, exhibitions or similar purposes as this will cause damage or pain in the animal's health or v. catching birds with nets or poisons, or w.que capture or kill songbirds or any other bird that is useful or decorative. 1.
Any violation of the provisions of this Act shall constitute a misdemeanor and convict who was sentenced to a fine not exceeding $ 500.00 dollars or a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both at the discretion of the Court. 2. For purposes of this Act the owner of any animal shall be deemed to have permitted or attempted to commit any act or omission in relation to that animal if the exercise of reasonable care and supervision with respect to that animal could have prevented the commission or omission of such act.
Article 3 - When a person is convicted of an offense under the terms of this Act related to any animal, the Court in addition to plead guilty and impose any penalty it may: a. order the animal be slaughtered if the Court's opinion is cruel to keep the animal alive; b. order the convicted person is deprived of possession of such animal; c. issue any order relating to that animal that creates issue needed to meet any of the foregoing paragraphs.
Article 4
1. At any time a police officer is of the opinion that any animal is sick or severely beaten or in a physical condition that may be sacrificed, must, if the owner is absent or refuses to consent to sacrifice the animal, immediately call a veterinarian who will examine the animal, certify that the animal to stay alive, and then will continually suffer from this condition shall certify to sacrifice; 2. Any expenditure which is incurred by any police officer or veterinarian to carry out what is appropriate in this section you can recover from the owner of the animal by the courts through a civil action;
3. It will be a defense to any action is brought against any person for the sacrifice of an animal to prove that the animal was severely injured or sick or in such physical condition that would have been cruel to keep the animal alive.
Article 5 - The following provisions shall apply to experiments on live animals.
1. The experiments will be restricted to cases that are considered absolutely essential for scientific research purposes.
2. Experiments for educational purposes will be allowed only when other means of education, such as portraits, illustrations, movies, models, etc.. Not adequately illustrate the experimental process.
3. These experiments will be conducted in research institutions and duly approved under the direction and supervision of people with scientific training and will allow any licensed veterinarian is present to monitor the experiments.
4. Before any experiment, the animal must be completely anesthetized, either general or local anesthesia.
5. a. If the experiment involves serious bodily harm or permanent animal, then you must be humanely slaughtered as soon as the purpose of the research permits. b. If the animal dies, or is in a position expressed above, that has to be sacrificed as a result of the experiment must be treated humanely until they are returned to the site or came to the shelter animals.
Article 6 - A record must be filled out for each experiment. a. Any charge of a tank of animals shall be permitted to recover from the owner of any animal placed, any reasonable expenses incurred in which to provide veterinary care for this animal.
Article 7 - Any Court or any person prosecuted for an alleged violation of this Act may issue a summons to the owner of the animal for it to make the animal in a given site and location specified in the subpoena for inspection by the Tribunal. 1. Any person who without reasonable excuse fails to comply with the summons issued in terms of subsection (1) is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the penalties provided in this Act.
Article 8 - The Secretary of Health and / or the Secretary of Agriculture may establish regulations related to: a. the method and manner of disposition and accommodate animals, either for transportation or as stationary; b. any other reasonable requirements necessary to prevent cruelty and to prevent the suffering of any animal; c. the deposit to obtain custody or confine any animal due to the conditions of the animal and to recover any expenses incurred by the owner of each animal and any material necessary to enforce and carry out the objectives and purposes of this law. Page 9 1. Anyone who breaches the provisions of this Act guilty of misdemeanor and who was convicted shall be punished by fine not exceeding five thousand (5,000) dollars. Moreover, in cases where the offender is a legal person, the court also may impose any of the following penalties: (1) the penalty of suspension consisting of the stoppage of all activities of the entity, unless the strict conservation during the time it determines prudent, which may not exceed six (6) months, (2) the penalty of cancellation of the certificate of incorporation or dissolution of any person who engages in conduct constituting a pattern of cruelty to animals he has, and (3) the penalty of suspension or revocation of the license, permit or authorization from any person who violates legal requirements or procedures established under this Act Article 10 - This law will come into force immediately after its adoption.